new20.gif (7475 bytes) THE VOTE IS IN THE INVALID POST !!!

The AKA Secretariat are to be applauded for recognizing that the postal votes process that the National Council have been improperly using is invalid - they have even gone to the lengths of tabling a Special Resolution Motion to the constitution to advise all and sundry that they are fully aware of this grave situation. That all postal votes implemented sionce 1999 are invalid.

These invalid  postal votes may also have included invalid additions to regulations that could have penalized competitors  as a result of invalid rules being applied - the last case that went to AMSAC was that of Paul Laskazeski who was incorrectly charged with an invalid rule.

So on the 13th March the member States will meet and  must review all the postal votes since 1999 and attempt to ensure validity to correctly ratify those decisions - it goes without saying that as some delegates were not part of the NKC during some of these invalid postal vote decisions extreme care must be exercised when adressing these issues. It is also a stipulation of Incorpoaration that no alteration to the constitution is valid until so approved by the Department of Consumer Affisrs or Justice Dept in the state where the Association is registered. This should be an interesting meeting  - and one the Secretariat will no doubt have to administer with absolute adherence and protocol - the very reason this is now being addressed is because of recognition that these voting processes are invalid yetr as late as last week it still continues ?? The General Meetings are open for all to attend -  so we are confident that all are welcome to attend -   the link at the top of the page will carry you to the agenda items.






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