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Things are starting to fall into place with AKA Governance 2005 style with the Executive obviously realising well before QLD and NSW raised it in their appeal to AMSAC (preventing the no class Junior Max from further decimating the CIK ranks) that the previous interpretation of rules 19 and 20 were obviously wrong, or just as likely, deliberately abused.

At the peak of dejenneration in 1999, rule 20 was changed from this: 

Notice of Council Meetings.
At least one (1) months notice must be given of a council meeting unless a majority of delegates agree that it is necessary to hold the meeting, either in person or by telephone conference, with a shorter period of notice.

to this

Notice of Council Meetings.
At least one (1) months notice must be given of a council meeting unless a majority of delegates agree or at the presidents request that it is necessary to hold the meeting, either in person or by telephone conference, with a shorter period of notice. 

Meaning of course, that if the President thought the meeting needed to be held sooner than a month's notice would allow, the time could be shortened.  Maybe fair enough.
But that's not how it's been practised.  No, the lot that introduced it have read it as entitling the President to call meetings. Well, (excuse the pun) that ain't so.

Calling Council Meetings is covered by Rule 19 which says:

Number of Council Meetings.
The council must meet at least once in every year. A meeting of the council must be called if majority of delegates so request. A meeting called as the result of a request must be held within two months of the receipt by the chief executive officer of the request. If the majority of delegates agree any meeting of the council other than the meeting held in conjunction with the annual general meeting may be conducted by telephone conference.

So, to call a Council meeting, 4 delegates must request one !
But how much dud business has been done at the Presidents request ?  Makes you shudder.

But no more, the mighty elected management team have put paid to the NKC's disastrous governance twofold now and unless 4 of the geniuses call for a meeting, there wont be another NKC meeting until the one in conjunction with the AGM.

Like previously, it isnt quite right yet.  This week they're abusing the postal vote rule in the name of ?   You guessed it, JMax, the no class !

In our next instalment, we'll have a look at the postal vote rules. Stay tuned...





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