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Last night (12/8/05) at a National Karting Council Meeting the NKC ( represented by the delegates of the 6 members of the Association) validated the 2005 Competition regulations and attached addendums to those competition regulations. The requirement to do so was brought about by the constitutional crisis that was eventuated by the administration officers attempting to lodge a passed special resolution some 128 days outside the requirement of the law. The validation of the 2005 competition regulations now ensures that competitions being conducted continue to have insurance cover. The competition rules as printed in the Manual are fully in force and insurance is also covering those regulations and other approved activities.

Other matters of extreme importance are still being corrected to comply with CAV ( Justice Dept Consumer Affairs Victoria) regulations, and as noted in the below article  the 1990 AKA registered constitution is the currently in force document applicable to the AKA. The Annual General Meeting of the AKA,  normally scheduled in August, will be required to be held at a later date to ensure that all CAV and  constitutional requirements are met.

It is hoped that the lights will get brighter as the AKA administration comes to terms with the fact that it must abide by its own constitution, that elected officers must abide by the AKA regulations as much as competitors are required to do so, officials are bound to uphold the rules and stay inside the parameters of operating policies and that ignorance is not an excuse for failing to meet the responsibilities of office.

The opportunity to be part of the management team for 2006, to be elected at the yet to be announced date of the Annual General Meeting is available to all who choose to offer themselves to commit to the Associations purposes and work towards the best for karting and karters.

Now is the time to step up to the plate and contribute.


RV Engines Motorsports
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Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895
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