The official Homologation Documents for the Parilla Leopard 125cc RL TaG - AUS are the current and up-to-date documents supplied by the IAME Factory on the 30/3/2006.
These documents are the official homologation papers for Australian delivered engines that IAME have set for the Australian rules.  
The drawings and dimensions have IAME's stamp, signature and date on all 5 pages and are the only valid documents for the Australian Parilla Leopard 125cc Class.

Leopard Homologation Documents (NEW 30/03/06):
Download PDF format (776kb)
Download Word fromat (2.27mb)

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Disregard the above documemts they do not apply anymor ethere are new one !!

Leopard Class News ....

The National Karting Council met last evening (Wed 5th April) to discuss the Leopard Class unauthorized " manufactured" rules that had been in part,  firstly included  in an Addendum released contrary to the instructions of the NKC, and  also the documents on the Remo Racing website claiming they were the "Official Australian homologation papers" (see left) - these  documents were deliberatly misleading Australian Karters to believe that a range  of authorised  tolerances existed for the "out of the box 100% " AKA Leopard class when in in fact, they were a complete fabrication with a Manufacturers Stamp !

It is almost unbelievable that someone could convince a manufacturer to issue a set of drawings that would accomodate those who had disregarded the AKA regulations , and have them  include tolerances that are so far outside the same engine specs made for the rest of the world market. In simple terms its like a "house door being manufactured to fit the barn door at the farm" ! The NKC   State delegates are to be congratulated for attending to this situation with the haste they have, and with unanimous ascencion..

The sad irony however,  is  that if you want to compete competitivly at the  AKA National Championship this year you will need to modify your "out of the box advertised class " engine to be on par with those who have flouted and failed to comply to the rules, and change it back after the event. The cylinder height and exhaust openings will be diligently checked, but other areas of performance such as standard manufactured head volume capacity may escape scrutiny , unfortunately this scenario makes a  mockery of AKA regulations and simply tells you that if you abided by the rules you will be disadvantaged - in fact the whole situation ( and the NKC is stuck between a rock and a hard place !)  gives preference to those who did the wrong thing and punishes those who do the right thing .!...this is a sad state of affairs and whilst the buck stops with the NKC, for the first time in a long time it is not the fault of the NKC, and blame lays elsewhere close to home ......!

We are further informed  instructions issued by the NKC demand that the Class "promoter" Mr. Remo Luciana will be instructed to obtain the correct manufacturers homologation papers with tolerances that were in place and not the "manufactured" tolerances that were included in the documents delivered and advertised by and to Remo Racing on the 30/3/06.

For those who did not comply with the AKA regulations and had their engines modified contrary to those regulations - apparantly a period of grace will be given to change their engines back  to AKA conformity - that date will be notified when it is has been set - one would expect that to be immediatedly applied so that the non conforming engines do not participate in any competition. There are   also some indicators that an exchange  cylinder  programe  ( you hand in your cheater one and get a proper one for a fee ! expected to be approx $400 )   will be orchestrated by the importer under instruction of the NKC.

We await an addendum of sorts as that will represent rule change # 7 for the Leopard Class in 2006.

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RV Engines Motorsports
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Tel: 61 -7 -3800 3773 , Fax: 61 -7- 3800 4895
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