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new20.gif (7475 bytes) Members Rules back to 1990......and valid................!

The National Karting Council conducted a short notice special NKC meeting on the evening 12th August and invited the Members (States) Presidents to attend to discuss the crisis surrounding the AKA constitution, and confirm the Dept of Justice advice in respect of the AKA constitution.

One thing is certain ...the Constitution printed in the 2005 AKA manual is not valid according to the (DOJ) Dept of Justice - they have also advised that ..."Rule changes (Constitution) after 1990 have now been deleted from the public register as the required special resolutions were not passed reflecting all the changes that were made to the Association rules ".

So living with the 1990 constitution is not all that bad, it is probably easier to work with, although the grievance procedures that were adopted in 2004 are now not a valid part of the current (1990 Model) constitution. The other important issue, is that postal votes were also not valid and those that were incorrectly applied - in particular those that were used to utilize funds from the Track Development Funds of the States are now under some serious scrutiny in certain quarters.

The fact that these issues have been brought to light are amazing - this matter would not have been discovered if it had not been for the fact that a Special Resolution passed on the 13th March (some 5 months ago) this year was not forwarded to the CAV within the 28 days required by Law - some 128 days elapsed and at no time prior to the 22nd July 2005, when inquiries were first made to Consumer Affairs by outsiders, had any special resolution or rgeistrations of those items of 13th March been submitted by AKA

A last minute attempt to register an item some 128 days outside of the required time by the law caught the AKA administrators out...blame has been leveled on the National office staff, but we find that to be wide of the mark, the Law only allows 28 not 128 for registration, and of course CAV are obligated and refuse on these grounds, in particular when just prior to the 24th July a hurried attempt to lodge registration was made by the Executive in tandem with the Public Officer.

As a result, of these failings and not following proper protocols, the Annual General Meeting of the AKA scheduled for the 26th August, will now have a rescheduled date determined by the NKC, as it is now to be held outside the months   (July & August) as designated in the Constitution .

The proper notice for that Annual General Meeting will be circulated as directed by the NKC and in accordance with the current AKA constitution as registered and approved in 1990 and now current. Northern Territory appear in limbo as they are not considered members under the current constitution.

The NKC were to be advised on issues, yet some 10 days after the meeting no other advice has yet been forwarded ..Minutes of the meeting are available for reading by clicking this link ->> Minutes
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