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For Monday evening 17th - CAMS has again requested certain "selected people " to listen to 20 minutes of CAMS President Mr. Osborne's spin   on some details about the last two weeks' attempted grab of AKA by the KAL Company ! Good Luck chum !p!

The people invited to attend this teleconference must be reminded that not one AKA Member (State) has been officially invited - nor has any agenda been circulated, and that no one on the "invited" list has any authority from the AKA Members at this hastily called CAMS show , and least of all the NKC .

You might remember that last time these people were invited, they were directly invited by CAMS and not through their State Offices, and that the meeting was confidential   !  Well, we all know that that select band of "invitees" nearly went and sold the farm and looked as though they would offer all the finances on a platter in due course as well - however that was all scuttled when they were called traitors !

It is also interesting to note that CAMS have instructed AKA under threat of   removing  FIA/CIK delegation  (and intended to seek expressions of interest from other groups for that CIK/FIA delegation) and required AKA to move to Governance under the ASC model as a requirement for FIA /CIK Delegation - Our research finds that ASC funded sports such Olympic sports are required to comply with ASC governance guidelines and those of the AOC (Aust Olympic Committee) for both acceptance under the AOC as a compliant sport and to be eligible for AOC funding.

Canoeing is heavily funded by ASC and AOC and must therefore be compliant. Canoeing is a National organization yet is an Incorporated Assoc. under the ACT legislation that mirror that of all other Australian  States.

How so ?

You simply become registered as a registrable body under the legislation.   Meaning, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MIGRATE TO a Co limited by guarantee just because your organization crosses state borders. Canoeing is not the only Olympic sport using Assoc. Incorp Act incorporation.  There are others incorporated under the ACT Act too.  

Canoeing's voting members are the States.  Just like the present AKA set up.  So the CAMS proposition is more crap on this and their voters are really states when it boils down to it because it's the state councils who elect their own board member. Canoeing has a qualified board set up. The qualifications for the new AKA model have been picked out from Canoeing's for the AKA model.

All of this info has been on the RVEngines website since Oct 2003  ! 

And all intending KAL directors and those 5 NKC delegates going KAL,  if you could read,  it wouldn't hurt you to go and have a look ! Someone went to a lot of time and trouble to pull all these things together in one place so it would be easy for you to come up to speed on best sports management practice.    
Governance & Other Constitutions 

RV Engines Motorsports
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