DPE_Lic_Survey.jpg (6887 bytes)
As you’d expect, some with a vested interest in selling whatever they like aren’t happy about restriction of 125’s to B graders. Silly when you consider the decline in karting licences affects them more than it does the Association, but hey, it’s a free country.

The AKA, as readers know, have looked at new karter exit numbers in detail and have seen the clear proof that entries to the sport via 125 classes is significantly higher in the stats of those who leave. We’d also mention that most of those entering in 125’s aren’t capable of coping with 18hp let alone 28, or the 185 kg mass of heavy 125’s over 155 of heavy clubmans.
What is truly disturbing though is the distortion in the spin.

So dear readers, spot the errors. A prize will be considered for the person spotting the most.



Click on this link to view the document

Licence Survey


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